Breaking Through Stagnation

I want to talk about something we all go through: feeling stuck. It's that frustrating, helpless feeling where you can't seem to move forward, no matter how hard you try. It could be your job, a personal project, or just life in general. I've been there, and it's rough. But guess what? There are ways to get out of that rut, and I'm here to share a few tips that have worked for me.

Reevaluate Your Goals

First, let's talk about goals. Sometimes, we get so caught up in chasing goals that we forget to check if they still make sense. Are your goals still what you want? Do they still excite you?

I set a goal to construct a new patio deck, hoping for a project I could take pride in and get excited about. However, as I delved into the planning process, I soon realized that my lack of experience and knowledge would likely result in an unsatisfactory outcome despite my hours spent studying tutorial videos on YouTube. So, I stepped away from leading this project and refocused my home improvement goals towards tasks that ignited my passion and were within my capabilities with some additional learning through trial and error.

I understood that I needed to acquire specific skills before building a patio deck independently, without a professional's guidance or assistance.

Take some time to think about what you want right now. If your goals have changed, that's okay! Adjust them so they align with your current situation.

Change Your Environment

Ever notice how a change of scenery can refresh you? It's incredible how much our surroundings can affect our mindset. If you've been stuck in the same place, doing the same things, it might be time to mix it up.

When I feel particularly stuck, I rearrange my workspace or move to a different room. Sometimes, I take my laptop to a café or a park. The new environment helps me see things differently and sparks my creativity.

Another technique I use is to seek a peaceful and serene location, dim the lights, shut my eyes, and allow my thoughts to drift aimlessly. I do the same thing with the water. Whenever I take a walk and find a spot near the water to sit, I'm enveloped in a sense of serenity. The water is my solace - a place where all my worries wash away, and I am left with nothing but the stillness and tranquility of its presence.

You don't have to make drastic changes. Even minor tweaks can make a big difference.

Find Inspiration and Support

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, don't go through this alone. Feeling stuck can often make us feel isolated, but there's so much inspiration and support if you look for it.

Engaging in conversations with my wife and friends or being surrounded by a community of individuals who share similar interests can be incredibly uplifting. They bring new insights and ideas that I may have yet to consider. Additionally, reading an engaging book, watching an inspiring documentary, or listening to a thought-provoking podcast can have a powerful impact on my well-being.

Don't be afraid to reach out for help. Sometimes, just knowing that others have felt the same way and found a way through can be incredibly motivating.

Wrapping Up

Feeling stuck is a part of life but doesn't have to last forever. By reevaluating your goals, changing your environment, and finding inspiration and support, you can start moving forward again. Remember, it's okay to take small steps. Every little bit counts, and before you know it, you'll be out of that rut and onto something new and exciting.

Hang in there, and take care of yourself.

Until next time.


Walk the Talk: Creating Purposeful Work


Hiring and Firing: Culture Fit