What Is Your Superpower
Your company has one or two distinct strengths that drive your success. Once identified, these core strengths guide your employees and strengthen your differentiated workplace culture. These strengths are your superpower.
Blaze Your Trail with Purpose
The path to your success is a winding road - not a straight line. Be curious. Take chances. Try new things. Get outside your comfort zone and lean into the wrong turns you take. The accomplishments you desire are often found along the imperfect journey behind you, made up of your blunders, trips, and slips.
Leadership Also Happens When No One Is Watching
Genuine leadership isn't a façade; it's a lived experience. It's about consistently showing up, not just when the spotlight is on but also in the quiet moments when no one is watching. It's about fostering a culture of accountability, transparency, and empathy, where growth is nurtured and mistakes are seen as opportunities for learning.
Creating Psychological Safety at Work, the Ted Lasso Way
Every Girl’s Dream is Possible
During my talk on How to Start a Business, I shared with 200 seventh graders the importance of following your passions and doing what you love.
Three Things I Learned From Writing a Book
I have gathered three valuable lessons from my experience writing and publishing my upcoming book, Purposeful Performance: The Secret Mix of Connecting, Leading, and Succeeding. The launch is approaching, and I am excited to share these insights.
Your Strategic Plan - To Moderate or Not Moderate
Having a moderator for your strategy meeting is beneficial in keeping everyone on track and focused. Who to appoint as the moderator will depend on your budget and specific needs. A professional and experienced moderator can ensure that discussions stay on topic, provide an unbiased perspective, and effectively manage the meeting schedule.
Four Phrases to Remove From Your Vocabulary - and Mine
While writing my book, I relied on familiar phrases and terminology that I have used countless times. However, I didn’t truly take the time to contemplate the meaning and impact of my chosen words. It wasn’t until after two editors, a copy editor, and the proofreading stage that I was finally called out for being unintentionally insensitive. And they were right to do so.
When Colleagues Cross the Line. Dealing with Micromanagement in the Workplace
Micromanagers complicate processes and frustrate their employees and coworkers with excessive control. In today's work environments, this affects not only finances and productivity but also morale, turnover rates, talent retention, and creativity. It could even lead to a company's downfall.
Empathetic Connection At Work Through Sawubona
In a world driven by personal goals and achievements, the Zulu phrase Sawubona, pronounced sow:’bo:nah, serves as a poignant reminder of the value of community and human connection. Translated to "I see you - you are important to me, and I value you," this phrase encourages us to be mindful of the needs of others and to recognize the unique worth of each individual within our society.
Dump Your SMART Goals and Get MEAN
SMART goals are ineffective and dumb. You need MEAN goals. Ensure your key goals adhere to the MEAN goal criteria, and create a framework that promotes clarity, meaning, and accountability for what truly matters. The MEAN goal framework becomes a signpost for your organization, helping everyone understand what needs to be achieved, how, and when—and why their work matters.
The Happy Employee Equation
The Power of Empathetic Leadership
A Tribute to My Father's Impact on My Life
Why Core Values Matter in Business
Your team makes decisions every day at work. However, decision-making can only be more straightforward with clear guidelines and trust in each other. That's where our core values come in; they act as a steady compass, guiding us through uncertain situations. When confronted with tough choices, we can turn to our values to ensure that our decisions align with our principles and long-term goals.
Vacation Surprise: Leading with Empathy
Cindy proceeded to explain how her company mobilizes their fleet for hurricane relief efforts and actively participates in Move for Hunger, a non-profit organization that works with the moving industry to collect unused food from people who are moving and donate it to local food banks.
Decouple Strategic & Planning To Avoid Failure
Do What You Love to Do
Breathing Purpose into the American Workforce
Strategy: Making Your Best Guess
In the realm of business and life, strategy is often misunderstood. It's not a static outcome or a blueprint; instead, it's the dynamic process of leveraging opportunities and solving pivotal problems to secure a sustainable advantage.